
Ahavat Tzion is a Dati Leumi congregation with daily minyanim for Shacharit and Maariv, and two minyanim for for Shacharit on Shabbat. Our Ba'alei Tefillot as well as our Ba'alei Kriaot are all volunteers, so please don't be bashful if you could assist us in either of these capacities.

As many of our members have served and continue to serve in the IDF, the tefilla for the Medina as well Mishberachs for Tzaha"l form an integral part of our Tefillot.

Despite a heavy Anglo population, all Divrei Torah as well as announcements are delivered in Hebrew.


Daniel Raye, Head Gabbai, 999-2634,
Zvi Figov, Early Minyan, 991-4083
Keith Shaw, Early Minyan Laining, 052-864-5187,
Noam Herrmann, Late Minyan, 999-5557,
Moshe Spievak, Late Minyan, 999-9621
Stephen Hodes, Late Minyan Laining, 991-4824,

Tefillot Times

Shacharit: שחרית:
Sun, Tues, Wed, Fri 6:30 יום א', ג', ד', ו':
Mon, Thurs 6:20 יום ב', ה':
Rosh Chodesh 6:15 ראש חודש:
Fast Days 6:10 ימי צום:
Arvit: 20:30 ערבית:
Shabbat: שבת:
Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat see monthly calendar
ראה לוח חודשי
מנחה וקבלת שבת
Shacharit 6:45, 8:30 שחרית
Mincha see monthly calendar
ראה לוח חודשי
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Kehillat Ahavat Tzion, Nachal Timna 2 (corner of Nachal Dolev), Ramat Beit Shemesh