KAT organizes an array of year-round activities for the children of our community, including Purim parties, Tu Bishvat fairs and Chanukah fun days. In addition, on Shabbat morning volunteer parents take turns to conduct children's tefilla groups, which attract more than 50 children every week. The children's tefillot are currently divided into 2 separate age groups: 3-5 years and 6-10 years (1st-3rd grade). The younger group is headed by Ezra Olman and the older group by Leah Goldstein. There are plans to add a third group (4th-5th grade), details of which will be provided shortly. 3-5 yearsThe younger children's group introduces nursery-school aged kids to the fundamentals of the Shabbat service. Davening and singing are interspersed with games and skits related to parsha/holiday themes. The goal is to foster in our children an early positive association with shul participation. 6-10 yearsThe older children's tefilla group is constructed to cater for grade-school kids, with two goals: to teach them to recognize and participate in the Shabbat morning tefillot, and to provide them with "food for thought" on a variety of relevant topics. Throughout the year, the children increase their ability to daven and sing the special tefillot for Shabbat, as well as partake in quizzes, games, discussions and even dramatic reenactments of themes connected to the parsha (weekly Torah portion) or upcoming holiday. |